Generosity changes lives! Our lives are changed as we give because we’re growing to be like our generous God. Plus, others’ lives are transformed as they receive these gifts and experience the love of Jesus in practical ways.

SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM PASTOR TIM: Please take a moment to watch a message from our pastor to discover where to start giving and why it’s important.

And to learn more about giving and growing in generosity, CLICK HERE to visit our Multiply page!

OFFERINGS: This is where to start! Tithes and offerings support the core mission of the Santa Maria Foursquare Church. They not only meet regular needs, but allow us to advance God's work in our community and around the world as well.

EMERGENCY RELIEF: 100% goes to assist those impacted by the fires in Los Angeles. Foursquare Disaster Relief is already at work on the ground in LA serving alongside our many churches in the region to distribute generators, sleeping bags, cots, water filtration systems, and other critical supplies to meet the needs people are facing.

TEAM ARREOLA: Giving here goes directly to support the work of Joel and Veronica Arreola, our missionaries to southern Mexico. They are not only pastoring the Casa de Fe church in Playa del Carmen, but are serving with Foursquare throughout Mexico and Latin America.

FOURSQUARE MISSIONS: Every dollar given here goes to Foursquare's Global Missions Fund, enabling the growth of ministry in 156 nations and territories around the world! There are over 100,000 Foursquare churches globally, but so many more people need to be reached for Jesus.

BENEVOLENCE: Your generosity provides resources to meet emergency needs of people in our church family and community. When you give here, we're enabled to serve others in practical ways in the name and love of Jesus.