The first thing God did after creating humanity was bless them. And immediately after this blessing, God gave them instructions on how to keep living in his blessing, beginning with four simple words: Be fruitful and multiply.
Then God blessed them and said,
"Be fruitful and multiply." Genesis 1:28
God's intent is that we’d do both of these things: become fruitful by receiving from Him, then take from that fruitfulness and multiply God's blessing into the world around us.
This is the cycle of God’s blessing!
In the New Testament this very same idea shows up again as sowing and reaping. And God’s promise is that when we sow generously, we will also reap generously!
We find this same truth over and over again in Scripture: God’s blessing will flow to us so it can flow through us. This is what allows God's cycle of blessing to repeat over and over.
2 Corinthians 9:8–11 And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. ... Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous.
The key to living in
God’s blessing
is to cause others
to experience his blessing!
Click the button below to download a free MULTIPLY resource. It will help you dive deeper into the cycle of God's blessing, and provide practical tools to fuel your journey of generosity.
Below you'll find even more resources — helpful videos, stories, teachings, books, and articles to help you grow your heart and mind by learning to multiply God's blessing.
- ilikegiving.com/films
- gospelpatrons.org/media
- generousgiving.org/videos
- generousgiving.org/resources
- ncfgiving.com/library
- "Multiply" series on YouTube — bit.ly/SM4-Multiply
- "Resurrecting Generosity" Podcast — sm4.org/podcasts/res-gen
- Pastor Tim Mossholder’s Article, “Beyond Tithing” — bit.ly/SM4-Beyond-Tithing
- Financial Peace University — ramseysolutions.com/ramseyplus/financial-peace
CLICK HERE to drop us a note with any questions about
generosity or how you can contribute to the mission of SM4.