Join in these special events
happening this December
Sundays 12/3 & 12/10 — Winter Coat Drive! We will be collecting new coats of all sizes on the first two Sundays of the month. We need 250 coats to give to families from our neighborhood who will be here for our “Week of Hope” celebration on Thursday, December 14 (to volunteer for this event, please see Danny Castillo!).
Friday 12/8 @ 6PM — Women’s Christmas Cruise! Bring your sunglasses and cruise attire for this special time of fellowship for women of all ages that will include lots of activities and an international dinner. Tickets are now available for $20.
Sunday 12/10 @ 9:30AM — Christmas Culture Sunday! Both our congregations will be joining together to worship and celebrate our different cultures. We’ll have ONE service at 9:30AM, then join together for a meal YOU will be providing! Please bring some special food to share that represents the culture you grew up with at Christmas time. Drop off your food in the Gym prior to the 9:30AM service.
Sunday 12/17 @ 6PM — Christmas in the Neighborhood! This year we will be bringing Christmas to the SEVEN apartment buildings on our block — at Alvin and Depot. We will be singing Christmas songs, giving out popcorn, candy canes, hot chocolate and a ton of Christmas love! There may even be a visit from Frosty!
Wednesday 12/20 @ 6-7:30PM — Live Up Christmas Party! Our Live Up youth group, for all students in Jr. High and High School will be celebrating together on the 20th. Please bring a “white elephant” gift to exchange.
Friday 12/22 @ 5-7PM — Safari Kids Family Party! All kids, birth-6th grade, bring your entire family out for a fun “snow day!”
Sunday 12/24 @ 9:30AM (English) & 11:30AM (Spanish) — Christmas Eve Services! These will be special candlelight times of worship for the entire family together.