Contending Pt 1 – Revolutionary Prayer
Prayer is never meant to just be “nice,” or the repetition of religious words. Prayer is always meant to be revolutionary: a spiritual activity that causes radical change. As we contend in prayer, we are giving voice to our audacious hope: Jesus is Lord — He is above all things …

Contending Pt 2 – Shaping the Future
Why pray? If God is sovereign and above all things, what difference could my prayers make? Over and over again, Scripture tells us that our prayers literally shape the future. That’s why Jesus taught us to contend in prayer for God’s will to be enacted here on earth, just as …

Contending Pt 3 – The Language of Prayer
For followers of Jesus, prayer isn’t just something we do occasionally when we’re especially thankful or desperate. Prayer is the primary language of our faith and our love. Do you want to grow in your faith and intimacy with Jesus? Grow in your life of prayer! CLICK HERE to download a …

Contending Pt 4 – Do I Have Enough Faith?
What happens when my prayers aren’t answered? Is it because I don’t have enough faith? Enter the story of Acts 12 — one filled with persecution, death, prayer, miraculous breakthrough, and even disbelief. It’s the story of people like us who are learning that prayer is where faith and real-life …
Contending Pt 5 – How Can I Pray Continually?
Jesus did it and taught us to do it as well: always be praying. One of the keys to contending in revolutionary prayer is to learn to pray continually, inviting God into every life circumstance in real time. In this message, we explore not only why this is important, but …
Contending Pt 6 – Overcoming Obstacles
If contending in prayer was easy, we’d all be doing it! But let’s face it — there are obstacles to developing a life of prayer. Three of the biggest obstacles are our brains, brokenness, and busyness! Learn how we can move past these barriers on our way to becoming prayer …
Contending Pt 7 – Activating a Life of Prayer
Every time we pray, we’re declaring that Jesus is here, He is good, and He is Lord. In this message, we discover that out of those biblical realities flow many different kinds of prayer. It’s likely there’s a certain kind of prayer that fits with your unique personality — so …
Contending Pt 8 – Praying in the Spirit
Praying in the Spirit is to pray in agreement with God’s word and will. And while praying in the Spirit includes the use of a spiritual language — the gift of tongues — there’s much more to learn about this powerful way we can contend in prayer! CLICK HERE to download …