Rooted – Lure of Wealth
One kind of soil Jesus described as barren and unfruitful is the “weedy” soil — filled with weeds that choke the life right out of us. One of the weeds Jesus mentions is the “lure of wealth.” How can we avoid being trapped by this shiny bit of bait?
Rooted – Lure of Sexual Temptation
Sexual temptation. It’s one of the most significant “weeds” that can grow in the soil of our lives, choking the life right out of us. Listen in to a father telling a story to his son about how sexual temptation seeks to lure us into its deadly trap. (PG-13)
Rooted – A Fruitful Life
In the parable of the sower, Jesus describes one kind of a soil that allows deep roots and fruitful living. There are two specific qualities found in the lives of fruitful people: they are growing to be like Jesus, and reproducing his life in the lives of others.
Rooted – Maximum Fruit!
We know we want to be fruitful people, and Jesus says our harvest may be 30, 60, or even 100 times as much as had been planted. So how do we MAXIMIZE the fruitfulness of our lives and go for the biggest harvest?