
Single Messages

Sermon Series

Mothering Moments

Guest speaker, Jojo Murdock, talks from her own life — from foster child, to mom, to advocate — about those who poured into her with “mothering moments” and revolutionized her life. “Moms are ordinary people who do extraordinary things!”

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Who are you?

Who are you?

When God asked Jacob, “Who are you?” it’s not because God forgot his name! He was asking Jacob about his identity. Pastor Robby Booth deals with this issue as he discusses Jacob’s wrestling match with God.

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Pastor Joel brings a word on a topic that causes some people to fear: what it means to obey God! But as Peter discovered, as he learned to trust Jesus, and simply do what He said, beautiful things followed.

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Wrestling with Choices

We are constantly faced with making choices — but do we just slip into habits, fears and the ruts of past decisions when a choice needs to be made? Or is there a better way? Pastor Tim talks about five important concepts as we wrestle with decisions as followers of Jesus. “Every …

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Caleb Quaye: What is Worship?

Caleb Quaye, former lead guitarist for Elton John (and many others!), shares his story of redemption and calling. And he takes us into a deeper understanding of worship. Caleb described worship as, “An act of faith based upon remembrance.” We worship as we remember what Jesus has done for us and …

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