Jesus-Centered Politics: Accepting Other Believers
What would our politics look like if Jesus was truly at the center? In today’s message, as we continue in our series, we explore how to find our identity in Jesus rather than in a political party or candidate. Looking at Romans 14, we’ll learn how to love and accept …

Jesus-Centered Politics: It’s About My Heart!
In a world divided by politics, how can we, as followers of Jesus, rise above the chaos? In today’s message, “Jesus-Centered Politics,” we dive deeper into how to overcome evil by doing good. In Romans 13, Paul gives us two challenging ways to do political good: submitting to authority, and …

The Promise: A Worker’s Reward
Every one of us wants to live a life that truly matters, a life that makes a difference in the world. But how is it possible? Enter the promise of God, where we learn that every faith-inspired action is part of God’s work, and none of it will ever be …

The Promise: Holding Fast to Hope
Are you feeling overwhelmed by life’s storms? Struggling to hold on to hope when everything seems uncertain? In this powerful message, “Holding Fast to Hope,” we dive deep into Hebrews 10:23, exploring the life-changing promises of our faithful God. Discover how to stand firm, even when your grip is slipping, …
The Promise: Stomping Out Hell
Prepare to have your faith ignited as we discover how to stomp out hell’s work. Discover God’s heart to give you authority over the enemy’s plans, and learn how to identify and avoid divisive, deceptive influences. Whether you’re a student, educator, or any believer, this message will equip you to …
The Promise: Rivers of Living Water
Are you thirsty? Not for water, but for something deeper — something that can quench the relentless thirst of your soul? In a world plagued by anxiety, depression, and a desperate search for meaning, Jesus offers a profound promise: rivers of living water. This isn’t just a trickle! It’s a …
The Promise: God’s Great Plans for Me
Trapped in Babylon, exiled and broken, God’s people faced their darkest hour. But in that moment, one of the Bible’s most electrifying promises was spoken. Jeremiah 29:11, a beacon of hope that’s inspired millions. But what if there’s even more to this story? Join us today as we explore what …
The Promise: How to Take New Ground
God’s promises don’t just shield us from hell’s attacks, they also form the weapon we need in our hands to take back territory from every dark force of the enemy. Jesus’ promise is that He will build His church, and the gates of hell won’t overcome it. Today we explore …
The Promise: An Unbreakable Defense
Are you hurting? Do you feel like you’re under attack? The world is filled with pain — plus we know there’s a real enemy out there launching arrows designed to take us out. We need a real defense to make it through — and that’s exactly what God’s promises are: …
The Promise – It’s Beyond Compare
The transformational power of God’s promises are beyond compare. They can literally change the direction and outcome of our lives — no matter our background, our brokenness, or our baggage. Today we’re starting this conversation by looking at why God’s promises are so incredible. Then, using what Pastor Tim calls …