Door to Door Ministry
You are invited to join the Go Team in our Door to Door Ministry! It’s all about connecting with people, sharing the hope and joy we have in Jesus, and really making a difference in our community. We’ll be meeting at 10am, in front of the church, under the patio …
Women in Ministry?
What do we do when a Scripture seems to be in conflict with other truth in the Bible? Do we just ignore it? Pick what works best for us personally? Or do the harder work of deep study? Taking this more challenging path is what Jennifer Thigpenn encourages us to …
Balancing Visions & Weaknesses
Today, Pastor Gary shares on how God gives us visions, dreams and revelations to enable us to follow His will and plan with our lives. But, there may come attacks on us to both keep us humble, but more importantly to help us put into practice the insights God has …
Ambassador Training
God always includes people in his plan — ordinary, broken people like you and me! We’re actually called “ambassadors of Christ,” and speak on God’s behalf. The question isn’t whether or not we’re representing God — but how well we’re representing him! Today we discover how we can become stronger …
Not of this World
So, what’s up with “the world?” Why does the Bible tell us not to fall in love with it and all it offers? It actually has to do with God’s love for us, and the mission he has for his people.
Our Mission
In John 15, Jesus not only gives us our mission (being wildly fruitful) but tells us how to accomplish it (staying connected to him). We explore what it means to be fruitful, and how this mission is the same for us individually and as a church. Pastor Tim also shares …
Not Ashamed: A Bible Study in Romans 1
Today, Pastor Joel Arreola, our missionary to Playa del Carmen, Mexico, speaks from Romans chapter one about being unashamed of the gospel of Jesus. It is a powerful word, combined with stories of what God is doing in Mexico today.
No Gospel at All
The Apostle Paul was alarmed and angry when he was writing to his friends in the region of Galatia. People had been coming into the churches there, trying to get them to follow a different gospel — which Paul said was no gospel at all. So, what is the gospel? …
Receiving God’s Blessing
Jesus’ primary mission was to bless humanity. And the primary obstacle in the way of receiving that blessing is sin. That’s why Jesus went to the cross, in order to destroy sin’s power over us. Today we’re looking at three of the massive blessings that flow into a life that’s …