Lost & Found

Sermon Series

Lost & Found Pt 1

All of us experience loss. Sometimes it’s self-inflicted and other times it’s just life taking a hard left turn. But God cares about it all! In Luke 15 Jesus tells three stories about loss and restoration — and in them we can all find hope for our stories, no matter …

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Lost & Found Pt 2

In the stories Jesus tells, we find that God never gives up on us and that he celebrates when we are found! Yes: we have a God who parties (really good parties…with music and dancing!). Why? Because he delights in us. He’s not angry with us, even when we’re lost …

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Lost & Found Pt 3

When Jesus told stories about things that were lost and found, he was talking to two groups of people: those who knew they were lost (the “sinners”), and others who didn’t think they were lost at all (the “religious” folk). And what both groups learned through his stories was revolutionary. …

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