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Day One Celebration

There is power in focus. It’s why people make New Year’s resolutions — to FOCUS their energies on things that need attention. Today Pastor Tim shares three areas of focus for SM4 in 2023: Prayer, God’s Word (including our new 260 Journals), and the development and release of Leadership. Dive …

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Our Christmas Hope

Much of life is spent in the “waiting room,” living in anticipation of receiving what God has promised — but it’s not here yet. We’re still waiting. Why would God make us linger and not immediately provide us what’s been promised? That’s what we’re discovering today through the Christmas story …

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Hold Fast – Part 2

How do we come to faith? Today we continue our look into Hebrews 10:23 and the essential role that God’s promises play in this process. We’ll find that without his promise, hope (and faith itself!) would be impossible. But when his promise comes alive within us, everything changes!

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Hold Fast – Part 1

You only have to read just a bit of the Bible before you’ll recognize that FAITH is extremely important — to God and to our stories. This reality of God’s faithfulness is always the starting point for faith. Pastor Tim shares with us how once you come to know that …

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Surprised by Jesus

Would it surprise you that Jesus will send you into the middle of trouble? But take courage – He will meet you there as well. That’s what we discover in the story of Jesus walking on the water. It’s where He joins His friends who were in deep trouble.

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An Upgraded Faith: Self-Control

The Apostle Peter tells us one of the “essential upgrades” to our faith is self-control. And we’re not talking about human willpower on steroids. This kind of self-control is part of a spiritual (and even supernatural) lifestyle, empowered by God himself. It’s where our decisions come into agreement with our …

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