Finish Strong
Dan Russell is a world renowned wrestler, Olympic coach and author. Along with his wife, Joy, they bring a message of faith, hope and love — and how to avoid the distractions that keep us from finishing strong!

Contending Pt. 9 The Lords Prayer
Matthew 6:9-13 Jesus knew prayer was very important and could be revolutionary in our lives, so he left us the THE LEGACY OF PRAYER!! THE LORDS PRAYER

The Jesus Mantra
What we repeat matters. It not only sticks in our minds, but it can change the direction of our lives. And the ideas we repeat about Jesus are of the greatest importance. Today we look at three truths that are at the core of our faith and are worth affirming …

A Beautiful Thing
There’s a showdown in Bethany: Mary VS Judas. Mary has anointed Jesus in an extravagantly generous act of worship, and Judas is having none of it. That’s when Jesus steps in declares that what Mary has done is a beautiful thing. What we see is that Mary and Judas had …

In the Middle of the Fire
In the five chapters of 1 Peter, one thing is talked about 17 times. What is this one defining theme of this short book? Suffering. While human suffering was never God’s original intent, when people chose a path of sin, suffering followed, and it now marks all of our lives. …

If Jesus… is Lord
In this series we’ve been talking about three main attributes of Jesus: He is here, He is good, and today, He is Lord. But is one of these more important than the others? Yes! Everything else about Jesus flows from his Lordship. He has all authority over all things, and …

Parenting in the Ways of Jesus
What we believe about Jesus will directly impact how we live for Jesus. And how we live for Jesus will directly impact what others believe about Jesus. We are carrying others along who are watching our faith to see if it’s real and trustworthy. And this truth is most critical …